Sunday, 4 May 2014

marketglory is a business simulation that offers player to  make money from this game , but it's certainly not easy . you must have an account that has a strong basic foundation , and the best foundation is PRODUCTIVITY .  

For certain strong productivity , you have to make an investment . but consider this game as a form of long-term investment that even!! exceeds the profit in stock investment of real world ! ( profit in marketglory can reach 40 % per year ) 

There are two ways to increase productivity , which increases the experience or knowledge . let's say you invest 40 euros in this business simulation . with 20 euro you will reach 100 points of experience , and  100 points knowledge , so that your productivity will reach about 67 pointslet's count your salary every time  you work:67 * 200 ( displayed wage ) / 1000 * 0.65 ( tax ) = 8.71 IDRwhen converted into euro = 8.71/10/8 = 0.108 euroTotal per month : 0.108 * 30 = 3.24 The eurobonuses work 3 days :67 * 500/1000 * 0.65 = 21,775 IDRwhen converted into euro = euro 21.775/10/8 = 0:27total of each month : 0:27 * 10 = 2.7 euroso TOTAL INCOME YOU EACH MONTH +2.7 = 5.94 = 3.24 The euroTOTAL INCOME YOU IN 1 YEAR = 5.94 * 12 = 71.28 EUROIf you withdraw will be taxed 20 % so = 71.28 * 0.80 = 57 EUROTOTAL PROFIT EACH YEAR ARE YOU 57-40 ( INITIAL CAPITAL ) = 17 EUROIF THE PERCENTAGE GAIN SHAPE changed to :17/40 = 42 % ! !PRODUCT CAN FIND TIME TO GAIN 42 % ? ? ? WHAT IS GOLD , INVESTMENT OR STOCK CAN ACHIEVE PROFITS 42 % ? ? ? ? 

Thus the tips of mycourse according to the principles of investment , use of the investment costs for more money , or about 20 % of your total monthly incomenote : ~ The calculations vary according to the condition of MGI~ The calculation applies if you play the honest , safe , anddo not get banned~ these calculations can still grow , because each and a true work exp you will increase , so the percentage of profit is above 42 %

1 comment:

  1. Sign Up for FREE, Play it for FUN & Get REAL Money Now !
